Tidbits about my life relating to anything and everything.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Am I lucky?

I was doing some gardening this past weekend and in the process of weeding the flower bed, I found a small patch of clovers. I thought to my self :I wonder if I will find a 4 leaf clover" so I started to look. This patch was only abount 1 square foot and 10 seconds into looking, I found one!

At first I was like oh no big deal and really it isn't. But, if you think about the ODDS of finding one of these things - especially in such a small area - it's actually pretty amazing.

So does this mean that I should play the lottery? I hate to admit it, but I probably will.."Just in case"


Blogger Wicketywack said...

I've converted you into a monkey. How does that make you feel?

2:19 PM

Blogger Dilkman said...

It makes me feel like throwing my shit at someone.

That shit is funny. How random is it that ther just happen to be a 4 leaf clover version of the background,

5:37 PM


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