"Scorrrpeeuns! Lets throw a rock at 'em"
Ok, so after a whirlwind of a 2 week vacation that included flying out west to Arizona for a week, then coming back only to go to the beach 3 days later for another week, we are finally back home. Don't get me wrong I love vacation but it sure is nice to be at home.
We went to Arizona and that was just awesome. I've been there before but every time I go there, the desert just amazes me. It barely rains and there is so much vegetation ( in the form of many cacti).
We went to the Desert Museum which is pretty much a zoo but it is unique in that you truly feel like you are in the middle of the desert seeing these animals in their natural habitat. They aren't in cages or anything. They have a netting system that is barely visible...Almost like fishing line so it almost feels like there is nothing between you and them. (see picture of coyote below)
While we were there, we went to this Humming bird exhibit and there were some scorpions on this grate. There was this woman there who could have been a poster child for the beaten redneck wife and in the southern-most drawl you can imagine she yells and says "LOOK Billy....SCORRRPIUNS!" (see pic below) I looked at the scorpions and decided they were fake and told that to the woman. She insisted "No, I walked by here before and they weren't there." Then she said "Lets throw a rock at 'em" I told her "be careful, those things can jump up to 18 feet." After a moment of disbelief, she decided that I wasn't telling her the truth (and she was right). Just as she proceeded to throw the rock, the ranger came up and told her that they were fake. She insisted that they weren't there before. I laughed and walked away.
I guess no matter where you go you just cant escape red-neckism. Although I would have expected more of a cowboy sort of redneck and not the back woods kind.
Regardless it was a blast!
We also hit Old Tucson Studios. This is a Hollywood lot turned tourist attraction where they shot several movies there with John Wayne, Dean Martin and even former President Ronald Reagan. The picture of the saloon below is the one Chevy Chase went to in Vacation. They also had some pretty cool stunt shows with people falling off buildings and shooting guns. Made me feel like a kid again.
We did a whole bunch of other stuff...Too much to go over here in detail but we had an awesome time. I recommend it.
I have tons of pics of the desert and will post a link once I get them all up.
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