Tidbits about my life relating to anything and everything.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kids really do say the darnedest things!

I have a daughter who will be 4 this August. Over the past few years there have been many things she has said or done that just crack me up! Unfortunately, I don't remember all of them so I am going to use this as an opportunity to archive them, and at the same time, share them on my blog.

Scenario I:
My wife and I are driving with my daughter in the back seat in her booster. I am in the passenger seat and my wife is driving. We are having a conversation about who knows what and all of the sudden my daughter says "Daddy?"

I say "yes?"

She says "What does shafted mean?"

My wife and I look at each other with eyes wide open and there is a moment of silence. Then we just start cracking up. So my daughter sees that she is getting a reaction by saying the word "shafted" and starts to repeat it over and over:
"Shafted, shafted, shafted" We laugh some more.

Scenario II:

This happened a long time ago but it was so funny that I had to include it. I was taking a leak in the bathroom, and my daughter barges in and to her surprise she sees a stream coming out while I am standing up. She was about 2 1/2 at the time (I think).

So she proceeds to walk closer to it with hands stretched out and says
"Ooo...Wash Hands!"

I immediately jerk back to prevent her from "washing her hands" causing me to totally miss the toilet. Again. I was in stitches.

Kids really do say the darnedest things!

More to come as it happens, and it WILL happen.


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