Tidbits about my life relating to anything and everything.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Yet ANOTHER conceptual Rip off

As I was typing the last post I reminded myself that there was another commercial ripping off another VW spot, yet again! Now this one isn't as blatant as the last one but the payoff at the end off the commercial is a rip off.

This time it is Comcast ripping off VW. (Comcast sucks by the way, so I feel I have to call them out) I am sure you have seen the VW spot of people driving and talking and BOOM. the car crashes and they passengers are okay. But at the end, one of the people say "holy..." and it cuts to a screen that says "safe...happens"

Well the Comcast commercial is the same. After a big dinner party, a couple jokes about getting some of the High speed internet to do the dished faster. They guy pours the liquid speed from the cable onto his hands and rubs them together to do the dishes at lightning speed. Then it cuts to the woman's and she says "holy..." Then it cuts to a screen that says "faster" Same concept! WTF is going on here!

Original VW ad (one of a series)

Comcast Ad Ripping off VW


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