Tidbits about my life relating to anything and everything.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Picture of my baby's face..In Utero!

Well we (I should say my Wife is) are in the home stretch of the pregnancy. Sheri had a final Sonogram and everything was fine! They even have these new fangled machines that can take a 4D picture of the baby. The picture is much more recognizable than the traditional black and white sonograms where you really have to use your imagination to make out the parts.

Camryn–who is almost 5 years old–is totally excited to have a baby sister. She even took a big sister class at the hospital so she is ready to be a big sister and help out. Needless to say, Sheri is ready to get this baby out of her belly. Due date is September 7.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Can you say OUCH!

My wife sent this to me. A couple dudes from Philidelphia go mauled at one of those bull runs in Spain...douche bags!

Full story

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I have to go to court

Well it looks like I have to appear in court as a victim for when my car was stolen a year and a half ago. I guess it will be to verify that it was my car and to give my account of what happened. I just dont want to be put in the position where the prosecution tries to discredit me. I doubt it. Maybe I've just seen too many movies. In any event, I can't wait to face this douche bag in person, and I hope he gets the full sentence.

The trial is scheduled for Sept 5th, but I will have to ask for a continuance since that's the week we are expecting our baby.

Til then...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My stolen car was recovered by police.

My car was stolen from right in front of my house a year and a half ago...in broad daylight. Original Post here. The car was never recovered, and the thief made out quite well. In addition to the car, he got my wife's purse, laptop, and lunch to boot! Needless to say it was a huge inconvenience and there was a sense of being violated.

Anyhow, I received a call from the police yesterday saying they recovered my car - after a year and a half! Unprecedented in its own right. But what was even more amazing was they actually made an arrest! They guy who had the car actually tried to sell it to a junkyard in Bladensburg. There were no tags so the junkyard operator looked up the VIN and bam! The car was listed as stolen. He called the cops and they got the car AND the guy.

I asked what would happen to the guy and they said he would be going to jail. I may have to appear in court to testify that the car was in fact mine, but that's fine with me. I want to see the guy’s face that took the car and let him know how much grief he put my family in. Especially my daughter. She was so terrified that someone was always going to take our car.

You always hear about having a sense of closure in these types of things, and I got to say. It is true. It feels great knowing the guy was caught and will (hopefully) suffer the consequences.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Yet ANOTHER conceptual Rip off

As I was typing the last post I reminded myself that there was another commercial ripping off another VW spot, yet again! Now this one isn't as blatant as the last one but the payoff at the end off the commercial is a rip off.

This time it is Comcast ripping off VW. (Comcast sucks by the way, so I feel I have to call them out) I am sure you have seen the VW spot of people driving and talking and BOOM. the car crashes and they passengers are okay. But at the end, one of the people say "holy..." and it cuts to a screen that says "safe...happens"

Well the Comcast commercial is the same. After a big dinner party, a couple jokes about getting some of the High speed internet to do the dished faster. They guy pours the liquid speed from the cable onto his hands and rubs them together to do the dishes at lightning speed. Then it cuts to the woman's and she says "holy..." Then it cuts to a screen that says "faster" Same concept! WTF is going on here!

Original VW ad (one of a series)

Comcast Ad Ripping off VW

Rip off artist!!!

I was watching tv the other night and cam across a commercial that blew my mind! No because it was ground breaking or amazing, but because it was almost an EXACT ripoff of another commercial that ran during last year.

Last year VW ran a commercial that was a "Chain reaction" concept of Kindness. One person saw someone doing something nice and the chain reaction of kindness starts from there and then backs up to the beginning to see someone seeing a VW Bug that starts the chain reaction.

Well Liberty Mutual is running an ad that is the exact same concept. The only difference is that there is no VW in the commercial. The entire makeup and chronology is the same too. It even reverts back to the initial act of kindness just like the VW ad does. Take a look. (Note the VW ad is a little choppy but it was the only one I could find)

This makes me a little sick being that I am in advertising and design (although not television spots). I mean these huge agencies get paid lots of money to come up with original concepts and the best they could do was rip off a VW ad?! They could have at least stolen a concept from a more obscure commercial. Take a look and you will see what I mean. Jeez!


Liberty Mutual Ad

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

This is true in relationships and it is true with blogging as well, amongst other things. Even though I am an infrequent poster, there is a lot of good that blogging can do, especially for someone in my field of design. It sharpens your writing skills, and gives you an opportunity log events, experiences, pics, or just things that inspire you. This log can serve as a new resource for creativity. So here I am again, trying to maintain some regular posting schedule, but honestly it will be when I am inspired to have something to write about.

I recently attended the HOW conference which is a conference for graphic desingers (but not limited to) It was quite an experience and I had the opportunity to create a library of imagery that was to be projected on one of the huge screens in the conference rooms. Alas, there wasnt enough participation to have it carried out so I am posting a link to the images for all (that's what? 3 of you??) to see. Enjoy!