Tidbits about my life relating to anything and everything.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Heading out west suckas...

Why? Not because we want to be cowboys but because we are visiting Sheri's 92 year old Grandpa (Camryn's Great Grandpa) Needless to say we are excited as is Camryn. But let me tell you....packing to go on a trip is way more complicated with a 3 year old. Before you could just throw a few outfits in a bag and wouldn't have to check any bags, now it's like bringing the entire house with us. Alas, you must be prepared.

I will be taking my relatively new toy - The NIKON D-70 DIGITAL SLR with me and hope to get some great desert shots. Will post when I return.

We will also be going to Saguaro National Park and I really hope to get some great shots of Saguaro cactus They are truly amazing.

until then... Yeeee Haaa!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I guess I'm not lucky...

Well, in the sense that I didn't win the lottery. BUT. it doesn't mean I am not lucky. After all I did find a 4 leaf clover - that's lucky in and of itself. Not to mention the other things in life that we often take for granted. I am lucky to be alive for one thing. I am lucky to have a beautiful wife and daughter. I am lucky to have a roof over my head and am lucky to have the means to feed my family and yes, to buy material things too.

I was reading an article in HOW magazine yesterday and something struck a chord with me. It was an article about Journaling/sketchbook keeping and how that doing it consistently exercises your creative brain, etc. But the one thing that was somewhat humbling was one of the journal exercises. It said to sketch EVERYTHING you own. Every piece of clothing, silverware...EVERYTHING. That's when you truly realize how much you have and that IS humbling to some degree. Just think about how long that would take. Maybe then you will realize how truly lucky we are!

I do keep a journal/sketchbook and will post some of my doodlings in the future, but dont count on seeing a bunch of drawings of everything I own!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Am I lucky?

I was doing some gardening this past weekend and in the process of weeding the flower bed, I found a small patch of clovers. I thought to my self :I wonder if I will find a 4 leaf clover" so I started to look. This patch was only abount 1 square foot and 10 seconds into looking, I found one!

At first I was like oh no big deal and really it isn't. But, if you think about the ODDS of finding one of these things - especially in such a small area - it's actually pretty amazing.

So does this mean that I should play the lottery? I hate to admit it, but I probably will.."Just in case"